Rowing Low Back Pain: What Rowers and Coaches Need to Know
Low back pain is the most common rowing injury, causing around 60% of rowers to miss at least one session per year. The vast majority of low back pain is non-specific, meaning not medically serious and not diagnosed to a specific tissue pathology causing pain or dysfunction. Non-specific low back pain in rowing is mostly due to training factors that are under the control of coaches and rowers, with secondary causes under individual athlete control. This article is a practical guide to what rowers and coaches need to know about rowing low back pain, focusing on preventing, managing, and returning from injury to full performance.
Key Points: Check out this summary graphic for a one-page flowchart of key points to rowing low back pain symptoms, management, and returning from injury. Also, read a partner guide here for the more detailed medical side of diagnosing and treating rowing low back pain, written by my friend and rowing physical therapist Dr. Lisa Lowe. I also have a reference section at the end of this article where you can read a lot more about rowing low back pain from the resources I have found most helpful. Finally, read my article, “Rowing Injuries: Understanding, Preventing, and Managing,” that sets up the basics of general injury understanding and prevention before the injury-specifics of this article and “Rowing Rib Stress Injuries.”
Table of Contents:
- Defining Rowing Low Back Pain
- Low Back Pain Risk Factors: Rowing and Individual
- Reducing Risk of Rowing Low Back Pain
- Low Back Pain Initial Care and Reducing Pain
- Low Back Pain Longer-Term Workarounds
- Returning to Training After Low Back Pain
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