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“Rowing Stronger: Strength Training to Maximize Rowing Performance” is available in PDF ebook and print, with a 2024 “5-Year Update” to the 2019 Second Edition.
Ebook ($30): Click/tap the “Purchase Ebook” button below. You will be directed to Paypal for payment, and then back to my website to download the PDF. This includes the 2024 “5-Year Update” automatically.
Print ($39+s/h): Use the link below to go to Blurb.com. Email me (rowingstronger@proton.me) with proof of purchase and I’ll send you the 2024 “5-Year Update” PDF back.
5-Year Update Only ($5): Go here to buy just the 2024 “5-Year Update” PDF alone.
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The 2019 Second Edition
If you bought the first edition in 2015, there’s a lot new for you in the second edition!
The second edition is over three times longer, with revisions and brand new content including sample programs, training templates, and more.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Terms and Definitions
- The Block Periodization System for Rowing
- Writing a Program Step-by-Step
- Preparing to Train: The Warm-Up
- The Exercises: What, Why, and How
- Strength Training for Longer Races
- Strength Training for Lightweights
- Strength Training for Coxswains
- Strength Training for Masters
- Strength Training for Juniors
- Over-Training or Under-Recovering?
- Movement Assessments for Rowing: Guest Chapter by Blake Gourley
- Kettlebell Training for Rowing: Guest Chapter by Joe DeLeo
- Mobility for Rowers
- Mental Skills for Rowing
- Sample Programs
- Appendix
The Step-By-Step Comprehensive Guide to Strength Training for Rowing Performance
Learn how to:
Improve strength, power, and endurance for rowing
Reduce risk of injury by targeting specific muscles and movements
Tailor individual exercise selection for your training
Nail the end-of-season taper for peak performance

“Rowing Stronger” is an essential primer for coaches and athletes alike for addressing all of the peripheral, yet requisite elements for rowing performance and longevity. This is a must-read for coaches of every level, and I will be reviewing it every year for ways to improve my program!
Caitlin McClain, Junior/Collegiate Head Coach
Will Ruth makes a valuable contribution to the sport of rowing with his comprehensive guide to strength and conditioning. This is a far cry from the usual one-size-fits-all training formula. Ruth details how individual athletes can use block periodization to create a program tailored to their individual needs based on age, weight, and competitive goals. He provides abundant information on specific exercises and how they fit into an overall strength training program. Any athlete or coach interested in minimizing injury and optimizing race performance would do well to read this book.
Sarah Risser, Masters Rower
“Rowing Stronger” is my go-to book for masters strength training. Fast boats are a priority for my athletes so having this detailed approach with targeted exercises is a must. A solid strength foundation keeps Roylerowers powerful, healthy, and on top of the podium in world class events. Follow Will’s program and its guaranteed to boost your boat speed stroke by stroke. Highly recommended.
Marlene Royle, Masters Coach
About Will Ruth
I’m a former rower turned strength coach. I started coaching at Western Washington University in 2013 as the men’s team strength coach. I coached there for six years, coaching on-water as well as in the gym. I have a BS in Kinesiology from Western, an MA in Sport Coaching from the University of Denver, and an NSCA-CSCS certification. I moved to Vermont in 2019 and began coaching at the Craftsbury Sculling Center camps. In 2022, I became the strength coach for the Craftsbury Green Racing Project program (GRP). More here.